Washington DC Healthy Vending | DMV Area Break Room Solutions | Office Lunch Food

How to Encourage Washington DC and DMV Area Employees to Take Their Lunch Breaks

Have you ever eaten lunch at your desk? Or, maybe you’ve skipped lunch entirely. You aren’t alone. Many employees will skip lunch to get more work done. However, this can do more harm than good. Skipping lunch leaves you hungry. On the other hand, taking lunch breaks boosts productivity. It also improves morale and engagement.

Want to encourage your team to take their lunch breaks? Quality Washington DC and DMV area break room services can help! Keep reading to learn more.

Micro-Markets Enhance the Break Room Experience

Busy employees might forgo lunch. A Washington DC and DMV area micro-market makes it easy for them to eat healthy meals. They can grab fresh snacks or food. Or, they can buy a beverage. Therefore, employees will stay full and hydrated.

Micro-markets offer tons of variety. Want a salad? How about soup? Employees will always find their favorites. They don’t have to run to the store. Self-checkout kiosks make buying a breeze. Skip long lines. Therefore, coworkers can enjoy leisurely lunches together. This builds stronger relationships. It also improves collaboration and morale.

Make Healthy Lunch Items Accessible

Healthy employees are more productive. They also take fewer sick days. Thus, you should make healthy lunch options more accessible. A Washington DC and DMV area vending machine is the perfect solution! Sky Vision Refreshments offers many healthy vending snacks. For instance, we carry baked chips and protein bars. Or, stock up on nuts and vitamin water. When you stock healthier, employees eat healthier!

Washington DC Micro-Market Lunch | DMV Area Office Pantry | Healthy Snacks

Additionally, we can label all items. This makes it easier to select better-for-you products. Employees can make the most of their breaks!

Treat Your Team to Free Lunch

Many employees are now used to working from home. However, businesses are shifting to hybrid work models. Making the transition can be tough. Thus, welcome employees back to the office with free lunches! This shows you go the extra mile. Employees will know you care. Furthermore, they’ll feel appreciated.

Add a Washington DC and DMV area office pantry to your break room. Employees can help themselves to free snacks. They can also enjoy complimentary meals. Be sure to offer many options. This way, everyone can enjoy free food! Sky Vision Refreshments can help. We carry many great-tasting snacks that you can offer in the break room. Or, offer water and juice. We’ll help you find the best products for your team.

Skip the costs of a cafeteria! We’ll work within your budget. Sky Vision Refreshments can also keep track of inventory and restocking. This ensures your pantry stays fully stocked. We’ll also send you an invoice. You can see what’s been eaten. This way, you can choose popular products for your next order.

We Help Employees Maximize Their Lunch Breaks

To conclude, lunch breaks are essential. They increase productivity. Employees can also bond with coworkers. Therefore, encourage employees to take their breaks.

Better solutions entice more employees into the break room. They’ll have access to healthy snacks. Plus, they’ll love the convenience and free food!

Sky Vision Refreshments will help Washington DC and DMV area employees maximize their lunch breaks. Call us today at (301) 458-0609 to learn more. We’re excited to hear from you!

Washington DC Break Room | DMV Area Office Snacks | Healthy Services

3 Washington DC and DMV Area Break Room Services You Didn’t Know We Offered

There’s no better time than now to upgrade your Washington DC and DMV area office break room services. From healthy snacks in your vending machines to new and improved office coffee machines, there are many ways to create a high-quality break room that employees will love. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry! We’re here to help.

At , we offer more than just vending machines and office coffee to Washington DC and DMV area businesses. While those are essential, there are a variety of other ways to upgrade your office space. What’s more, we’ll work with you to customize the best break room solutions to fit your needs as a company.

So, here are a few of our break room services you might not know about.

We Offer Bulk Product Delivery Services

How you get snacks and drinks to your office can be a challenge. When you work with us, you can order some bulk items to be delivered. For example, you might consider dry items for your break room like bags of chips or granola bars. This can also come in handy for big meetings or corporate events. Coffee supplies, such as cups, napkins, and stir sticks, are also worth ordering in bulk. Going this route is both efficient and affordable. Plus, you can ensure that you won’t run out of the essentials. It’s a win-win!

Washington DC Micro-Market | DMV Area Vending Machine Services | Office Pantry

FreeVend Occasions

What better way to show employees your appreciation than by offering complimentary snacks and beverages? When you work with , you can request your vending machines to be set to “FreeVend.” This allows employees to choose what product they want at no cost for a certain period of time. Afterward, we’ll send you an invoice for what was eaten. It’s as simple as that! FreeVend is a great reward or perk for employees. For instance, you might decide to offer this feature for a special company celebration or milestone.

We Provide Full or Partial Subsidiaries

Want to encourage healthy eating at work or highlight local products? We offer our customers the ability to subsidize products. It can be the full cost, such as office pantry service, or perhaps it fits better to offset only part of the cost. In  Washington DC and DMV area micro-markets, for example, you can cover certain categories or food. That product would then be less expensive or even free to employees. However, they still have the full range of options to choose from.

It’s Time to Upgrade Your Washington DC and DMV Area Office Break Room Services

Give employees the break room services they deserve, and let us help you do it! Contact Sky Vision Refreshments at (301) 458-0609 for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!